Author: Janet Ramsey
Janet Ramsey is Associate Professor of Congregational Care Leadership at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. A former parish pastor, she is also a licensed marriage and family therapist and a qualitative researcher.
By Janet Ramsey
El perdn es parte fundamental de lo que creemos como personas cristianas, y nada es ms importante para nuestra vida en comn. Sin embargo, este tema no es fcil de conceptualizar ni de practicar. Las definiciones del perdn varan, y los entendimientos p...
By Janet Ramsey
Forgiveness goes to the heart of what we believe as Christians, and nothing is more important to our life together. Yet this topic is neither easy to conceptualize nor easy to practice in our life. Definitions of forgiveness vary, and personal unders...
By Janet Ramsey
Aging is, to some extent, a state of mind arising from personal and cultural attitudes. It is also a biological and social reality. For Christians, life can be joyful at any age if we recognize that each moment is a gift, have confidence that we are ...
By Janet Ramsey
Aging is, to some extent, a state of mind arising from personal and cultural attitudes. It is also a biological and social reality. For Christians, life can be joyful at any age if we recognize that each moment is a gift, have confidence that we are ...