Titles by: Joseph A. Marchal
Author: Joseph A. Marchal
Joseph A. Marchal is Professor of Religious Studies and Women's and Gender Studies at Ball State University. They are the author, editor, or coeditor of more than ten books, including Appalling Bodies: Queer Figures Before and After Paul's Letters; Bodies on the Verge: Queering Pauline Epistles; and Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies. They are also currently serving as chair of the Society of Biblical Literature's first-ever Committee for LGBTIQ+ Scholars and Scholarship and founding coeditor (with Melissa Wilcox) of the new journal QTR: A Journal of Trans and Queer Studies in Religion.
Trans Biblical
New Approaches to Interpretation and Embodiment in Scripture
By Joseph A. Marchal, Melissa Harl Sellew, Katy E. Valentine
Trans Biblical provides some of the most exciting new scholarly work in trans biblical interpretation to help us better understand our Bibles, our bodies, and one another in a fraught and fractious world.
Trans Biblical: New Approaches to Interpretat...
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