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Too often, we are slow to listen and quick to speak. This lack of listening at the expense of our words can cause painful consequences. This lesson challenges participants to explore and practice active listening skills, as well as embrace the act of...

First Things First 
Lesson Plan
Clearing the clutter from earthly possessions and commitments can lead to a life of discipleship. Looking at the Bible stories of two wealthy people--the chief tax collector Zacchaeus and a nameless young ruler--young people will be encouraged to rel...

Making decisions--big and small--can be challenging for young people as they learn to think through the consequences of their actions.

As humans, we face the temptation of our own desires that often pull us away from God. In this lesson, young people will examine how the acts of lying, being dishonest, and telling the truth affect our relationships with Godùwho sees all and knows al...

Young people learn about human development and sexuality from a number of places--family, friends, television, social media--and the church must be one of these sources. This article encourages the church to act as a touchstone--a steadfast, loving, ...

Free to members

Advertising is full of positive and negative messagesùon television and the radio, in magazines, on billboards, and on the Internetùthat can frame our understanding of ourselves and our wants and needs. In this lesson, young people will be encouraged...