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Resources for Christians and seekers
Living Wills 
(Adult Study)
By Nancy J. Duff
If you were in a life-threating medical situation and couldn't speak for yourself, what decisions would you want made and by whom? In this newly-revised study, Christian adults will learn about living wills and get tips on how to create one. The stud...

By Adam Fischer
Many youth have experienced the death of a loved one and have friends who need their support while grieving. This one-session youth study explores the stages of grief, ways that people grieve, and how to comfort a friend who has lost a loved one. Thi...

By Eugenia Anne Gamble, Michelle Hwang
Most of us know someone who is navigating the murky depths of love's ending. Divorce is very common in our culture: 41 percent of first marriages, 60 percent of second marriages, and 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce. There is nothing simp...

By Adam J. Copeland
It's true: most people don't enjoy talking about death or funerals. They're such significant life experiences, that it can seem better to not mention them too often. Yet the rituals we practice and the prayers we say when someone dies aren't improvis...

The Christian Funeral 
(Adult Study)
By Adam J. Copeland
It's true: most people don't enjoy talking about death or funerals. They're such significant life experiences, that it can seem better to not mention them too often. Yet the rituals we practice and the prayers we say when someone dies aren't improvis...

Prevention and Care (Adult Study)
By Martha Bettis-Gee, Allan Hugh Cole, Jr.
Suicide occurs approximately eighty-nine times each day in the United States, making it the eleventh leading cause of death among people of all ages.How do we support those whose loved ones commit suicide? What should be said? What should not be said...

Helping Your Teen Grieve 
(Parenting Study)
By Martha Bettis-Gee
We tend to associate grief primarily with major life traumas such as a death in the family, a divorce, or an illness. But grief may also emerge in response to changes that we might view as largely positive. Moving away from a place you have lived for...

Grieving Well 
(Adult Study)
By Greg Garrett
We tend to associate grief primarily with major life traumas such as a death in the family, a divorce, or an illness. But grief may also emerge in response to any change or loss, including those that we might view as largely positive. Moving away fro...

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