Author: Ted Peters
Ted Peters is Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Institute for Theology and Ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California. He is an ordained Lutheran pastor.
By Ted Peters
Qu significa cuando decimos que Jess es el Salvador del mundo o que acepto a Jess como mi salvador personal?. En realidad, todas las personas estn de acuerdo con que Jess nos ha salvado. Sin embargo, la Biblia sugiere varios modelos para saber cmo Je...
By Ted Peters
The Danish cartoon caricature crisis--precipitated by the September 30, 2005, publication in Jyllands-Posten of twelve cartoons, one depicting the Prophet Muhammad with a turban shaped like a bomb--appears to non-Muslims as a battle between free spee...
By Martinez Hewlett, Ted Peters
It is easy to be confused if one watches mainstream television shows or listens to radio talk shows regarding the current debate about creationism, evolution, and intelligent design.Both scientific creationism and intelligent design make distinctivel...
By Ted Peters
Choices in reproductive technology have multiplied at a staggering rate. Is our society prepared to decide on issues about procreation (artificial insemination and invitro fertilization) or genetic engineering ("designer children" and selective abort...
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By Ted Peters
Ted Peters brings Trinitarian theology conversation to a new level by examining the works of Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, Eberhard Jungel, Jurgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Catherine Mowry LaCugna. He highlights talk about the beco...
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By Ted Peters
Teologa significa pensar acerca de Dios. Las personas cristianas lo han hecho a travs de los siglos, y han creado una serie de modelos para pensar acerca de Dios. Esto puede ser divertido, y puede ser confuso. Cul modelo es el mejor? Es slo una verda...
By Ted Peters
Although we sense that our soul is the deepest part of who we are, it is difficult to draw a picture of just what a soul is. Is it the same as the body? Separate from the body? Mortal? Immortal? Because the Bible does not answer all of these question...
By Ted Peters
Do Christians believe in three gods? For example, we baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many non-Christians are confused and wonder if Christians are polytheists (believe in multiple gods). Christians themselves are not ...