Author: Sue Washburn
Sue Washburn is a certified public school teacher, a Sunday school teacher, and a freelance parenting writer from Pennsylvania. She is the parent of a teen and pre-teen.
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By Sue Washburn
In this new six- session youth study, high school students will review various teachings from Jesus found in the Bible and consider how to implement them in today's world. Teens will also be challenged to examine how they can personally apply the tea...
By Sue Washburn
Half of today's teens have tried alcohol by the time they are in eighth grade. This statistic becomes all the more troubling when you consider that adolescence is a time of poor impulse control, a time of independence-seeking and experimentation. Add...
By Sue Washburn
The history of Valentine's Day is as mysterious as the anonymous flower sender! We don't know the actual origin of the day or even which saint named Valentine is honored.Today we celebrate romantic love on this day. Yet there are many different kinds...
By Sue Washburn
In this timely study for parents of teens we'll explore our responsibilities as Christian parents when it comes to forming an educated opinion about tattoos and piercings.Researchers estimate that a quarter of the population between the ages of eight...
By Sue Washburn
The parable of the Prodigal Son articulates the fears of many parents-their teen will come of age, go off into the world, make poor decisions, and return home broke and despondent. Luckily, in the present time we have an interim period for people in ...
By Sue Washburn
The goal for this study is to help teens understand the different theological perspectives of prayer.Christians agree that prayer changes things--somehow. But no one has the absolute answer about what actually happens when we pray. Even within the ch...
By Sue Washburn
Up to ten million Americans are diagnosed with eating disorders each year. While as many as one million of them are male, the most common sufferers are girls who appear to be well-adjusted with good grades, sports participation, and busy social lives...
By Sue Washburn
Most teens feel very connected to the music they listen to, and it is important for parents to understand this connection and how music influences their teens' lives. This study for parents of teens helps parents understand how music impacts their te...
By Sue Washburn
Does hell exist? In this study, youth will grapple with the concept of hell. Together they will explore the four most common views on hell, and then they will work independently to consider their own thoughts on hell. This one-session, downloadable ...
By Sue Washburn
Parents can play an extremely helpful role in their teens' lives when they inspire, guide, and protect them as they explore the positive and negative possibilities for their lives. This study explores ways you can help your teen form a positive ident...
By Sue Washburn
What does it mean when a teen loses interest in attending church? What should a parent do? Has our teen abandoned God? Have we failed?Many teens grew up going to church with family. It wasn't a choice and they went. Many enjoyed their church communit...
By Sue Washburn
All parents want their child to succeed in life. But how do we know if we are doing too much or too little for our child? Is there a line? When should we step back and let our child make it or break it on her own? How can we convince our children tha...
By Sue Washburn
Learn how to live a faith-filled life this Advent with "Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love: A Youth Study for Advent." In this four-week study by Sue Washburn, youth will use epistles (or letters) to discover that the study themes-hope, peace, joy, and love-...
By Sue Washburn
Youth can better understand some of the Bible's most familiar stories and notable characters this Lenten season. Written by Sue Washburn, this six- session youth study pack helps students get to know various Bible stories and characters through weekl...
By Sue Washburn
Sometimes salvation feels like it happens in an instant, the result of a dramatic encounter with God in Christ that completely changes or revolutionizes one's life. It's sometimes called being "born again" and those who've experienced it are called "...
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